Open End (Open Ended) watch straps are made for older watches with fixed non-removable bars. Hirsch watch straps with Open End are glued. You fold the end of the strap around the fixed bar and apply acetone or nailpolish remover to the end. Then you press it together for a little while until the glue is dry.
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. The Hirsch Toronto is a masterpiece of Italian leather tanning. The watch strap is made of premium Italian calf skin and yet very attractive in price
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. The Hirsch Toronto is a masterpiece of Italian leather tanning. The watch strap is made of premium Italian calf skin and yet very attractive in price
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. With its light padding and enhanced lizard embossing, the elegant calf skin bracelet is scarcely distinguishable from genuine lizard.
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. With its light padding and enhanced lizard embossing, the elegant calf skin bracelet is scarcely distinguishable from genuine lizard.
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. With its light padding and enhanced lizard embossing, the elegant calf skin bracelet is scarcely distinguishable from genuine lizard.
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. The Hirsch Duke is a true classic that is always in season and reflects our love of manufacturing the finest leathers
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. The Hirsch Duke is a true classic that is always in season and reflects our love of manufacturing the finest leathers
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. The Hirsch Camelgrain is a classic skin friendly watch strap for people who are allergic to leather but still want to wear a leather strap
This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars. The Hirsch Camelgrain is a classic skin friendly watch strap for people who are allergic to leather but still want to wear a leather strap
With its flat design, the fine and noble bracelet is the perfect partner for traditional watches. This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars.
With its flat design, the fine and noble bracelet is the perfect partner for traditional watches. This open ended watch strap is made for watches with fixed bars.